In July 2020 the ECODESIGN company GmbH completed the Greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory for the company Bonaventura Strassenerrichtungs-GmbH. Bonaventura is the only motorway concession in Austria, operating the roads A5 South, S1 East, S1 West and S2. This concession was granted to Bonaventura in 2009 until 2039. With this long-term perspective in mind, Bonaventura´s pro-active sustainability strategy is geared towards carbon neutrality, and towards contributing to the UN sustainable development goals.
We completed the GHG base year inventory (2018) in accordance with the international standard ISO 14064:2018-1 for routine operation and maintenance activities of the company. The ISO 14064:2018-1 standard specifies principles and requirements at the organization level for the quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals.
First the scope and a methodological framework for the GHG inventory were established, by identifying the units and activities of the company to look at, and the direct and indirect emissions to consider. The next step was collecting and analyzing the company data, and researching for the appropriate emissions factors to calculate the GHG emissions.
Bonaventura received a detailed GHG inventory and evaluation of results in a report. The ECODESIGN company also developed a tool for Bonaventura, so that the documenting of the inventory and the calculation of emissions can be performed by Bonaventura in-house for more years. This GHG inventory is the basis for taking next steps in the climate protection strategy of Bonaventura, e.g., GHG reduction measures, and improvement of the removals through forest and green areas managed by the company.