Vespa velutina
Technical guide about the Asian hornet in four languages!
Our technical guide for the Monitoring, control and prevention of the invasive Asian hornet Vespa velutina, is available now in German, Slovak, English and French!
With the recent (2023), confirmed reports of Asian hornets found for the first time in Hungary and the Czech Republic, our guide aims at disseminating key information to support beekeepers and civil society better understand this challenge, and get prepared to take action.
Our technical guide provides an overview of the strategies and measures developed by experts and authorities in various European countries, and includes recommendations specific for beekeepers.
This guide is part of the accomplishments of the ERASMUS+ project “Education, Training and Capacity-Building in the Field of Beekeeping and Civil Defense Service”, where we work together with partners from France, Slovak Republic and Czech Republic. This project is also enabling the training of firefighters and civil defense experts to identify Asian hornets and their nests, and to learn the techniques for finding and safely removing the nests in the field.
The technical guides are now available (in PDF) in the following languages:
- German
- Slovak (with a section on the biology of the Vespa velutina)
- English (with a section on the biology of the Vespa velutina),
- French.
This project is funded within the EU program ERASMUS+ under the grant number:
- 2021-1-SK01-KA220-VET-000033144 (Duration: 01.11.2021 – 2023).
- For more information see our project reference, here.