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Strategy, Synergies, and Sustainability: 3rd SUSTAINEXT General Assembly

The partners attending the 3rd General assembly from 20 to 22 November 2024 of the SUSTAINEXT project in Milan went over the first 18 months of work, with a strategic view on all the activities and progress made so far. It was an opportunity to benefit from the know-how and background of the different partners, present the challenges and achievements of each Work Package, and plan the actions to move forward in the coming months.

The work packages have achieved significant progress, including the cultivation and first harvest of selected aromatic and medicinal plants (Chamomile, Rosemary, Lemon Verbena and Thistle), preparing the ground and preliminary facility design for the construction of the new flagship plant in Hervás, and various tests of prototype products for the various markets such as cosmetics, pet food and farm animal feed, nutraceuticals and food additives. A visit to the production facilities of the Italian partner STAR showed the participants the innovative food production processes and the samples of products where botanical extracts as food additives are prepared and tested.

SUSTAINEXT is dedicated to developing sustainable practices along the value chain, from growing medicinal plants in Extremadura, as well as with the operation of the new flagship biorefinery, and the innovations in B2B products. The ECODESIGN company leads work package (WP5) evaluating the sustainability of feedstocks valorization for producing botanical compounds. This time Dr. Adriana Díaz Triana and Dr. Helena Proková presented the preliminary models for assessing environmental and social impacts through Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Social LCA. The insights from WP5 shall support the engagement as well as decision-making processes with partners and stakeholder.

The project is advancing, gaining recognition, leveraging synergies and strengthening collaboration among the consortium experts. The SUSTAINEXT partners prepare for the first reporting to the officials of the Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking and its members, and for the ground-breaking event at the flagship location in Hervás (Extremadura) next March 2025. ECODESIGN will again present there!

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Strategy, Synergies, and Sustainability: 3rd SUSTAINEXT General Assembly

The partners attending the 3rd General assembly from 20 to 22 November 2024 of the SUSTAINEXT project in Milan went over the first 18 months of work, with a strategic view on all the activities and progress made so far. It was an opportunity to benefit from the know-how and background of the different partners, … Continued

BeBOP: A novel multi-product biomass and power to methanol plant

As part of the EU-funded project BeBOP (Biomass to Bio/E-methanol by Breakthrough SOEC-based Process: the BeBOP innovation), the consortium aims to develop an innovative, highly resource-efficient, and flexible biomass-to-methanol plant. The project’s goal is to present a pilot plant that is ready for scaling up within the European biomass industry. The role of ECODESIGN company … Continued

2024 12th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting

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2024 e.nova Conference

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ECODESIGN at the 2024 LCA Workshop of CCUS projects

This workshop will take place online on March 7th, 2024 and will engage 3 well known LCA keynote speakers as well as experts presenting the LCA work from 11 EU funded projects, at different stages of progress and technology maturity. Dr Adriana Díaz will present the approach and main results … Continued

ECODESIGN presented at the Final CO2Fokus Conference!

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Vespa velutina

Technical guide about the Asian hornet in four languages! Our technical guide for the Monitoring, control and prevention of the invasive Asian hornet Vespa velutina, is available now in German, Slovak, English and French!   With the recent (2023), confirmed reports of Asian hornets found for the first time in Hungary and the Czech … Continued